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Selectmen's Minutes - July 12, 1994
               Selectmen's Meeting - July 12, 1994

Selectmen Attending: Judith Murdoch; Charles Flynn; Joseph
Frisoli, Chair; and Catherine Kuchinski.  Peter Jones arrived at
Also attending: Joseph Nugent, Ex. Secretary to the Board; Police
Chief Eugene Berry; and labor counsel Earl Wilson.  

Meeting was called to order at 7:10pm by Chair Joseph Frisoli.
He noted for the record that a 4-0 vote was taken by the Board at
the July 6, 1994 Executive Session in favor of the contract
negotiated with the Highway department.

Motion 7/12/94.1: move to enter Executive Session under #3 for
negotiations and litigation with police.  Motion made Murdoch
with second by Flynn. Vote taken by roll call: Murdoch: Aye,
Flynn: Aye; Frisoli: Aye, Jones: Aye and Kuchinski: Aye.  Motion
carried 5-0.

Board entered Executive Session at 7:12pm.

Board reentered open session at 9:50pm announcing no votes taken
in the executive session.  Questions were answered from reporters
on various issues other than subject of executive session.

Adjournment. Motion 7/12/94.2: move to adjourn. Motion by Murdoch
with second by Kuchinski.    Motion carried 5-0.  Time adjourned
- 9:55pm.